Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Throwing Rocks


...picked up rocks to stone him. – John 10:31

I have thrown many rocks in my life. Worse, I have thrown them at Jesus and the people around me. And even at myself.
My big rocks include not trusting God enough during the hard times, dislodging Him from the driver’s seat of my life, not obeying His will, not loving and caring for my family as I should, and sometimes not trying hard enough to reach out to those who may be in need. Oh, yes, rocks of pride, too... lots of it. I have medium-sized rocks, too, like not being faithful to my friendship with God, or talking about other people behind their backs, being too critical and judgmental of them, or not being a good steward of God’s resources. Carelessly, I have thrown many tiny rocks, like telling white lies and not fulfilling my promises and commitments.
The rocks may be big, medium-sized, or tiny ones, but they can hurt the people they’re thrown at. I shudder at how much hurt I have caused Jesus. By now, He could be bruised all over with the great number of rocks I’ve thrown at Him. Still, He continues to endure them for the love of me, always waiting for me to offer Him a bouquet of good deeds instead of rocks! TessVA.

What are your rocks?

Lord, please help me to restrain myself from throwing rocks – at Jesus, at other people, at myself.


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